Reduce Your Allergies with your HVAC System in 2024
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Seasonal Allergies AdobeStock 489344885 1500x1000 1 Reduce Your Allergies with your HVAC System May 22
by Macy

Reduce Your Allergies with your HVAC System

Have you fallen ill to allergies yet? It’s pretty inevitable, especially in Texas where allergies can affect many people. In fact, Houston Chronicle has ranked Houston #12 for cities with the most allergies! But, along with home remedies to help your allergy symptoms, your HVAC system could also help! With the proper maintenance and add ons, you can alleviate allergy symptoms and can even prevent your home from being an allergy hot spot. Read more on how to reduce your allergies with your HVAC system: 

Change Your Air Filters Regularly 

The first step in combating allergies is to regularly change your air filters. The air filter is responsible for trapping airborne particles, including allergy-causing debris, from entering the air in your home. When the filter goes without being replaced, it cannot block particles from passing through. Even if allergies are not your main concern, neglecting to change your air filters can also hinder the system and can even result in higher energy bills and not proper cooling. 

Ideally, The Chill Brothers recommend changing your air filters at least once a month, depending on the filter. This will allow the system to properly filter out dust, debris, pet hair and more from circulating through your home. 

Get Routine HVAC Maintenance 

Do you know how important routine maintenance is for your HVAC system? Routine maintenance such as tune-ups, allows technicians to inspect your system and identify if something is wrong or needs repairs. On the allergy side of things, normal maintenance will let you know how effective your system is at filtering out the air, and gives more insight if your ducts need cleaning. Especially when the weather starts to get warmer, you will want to ensure your system is prepared to take on the heat along with the intense allergies. 

To stay on top of HVAC maintenance, The Chill Brothers recommended enrolling in their Chill Preventative maintenance Plan! With this plan, you can receive bi-annual tune-ups, property service and more! For more information, please give them a call or visit their website. 

Monitor Humidity 

Monitoring your humidity levels is a good way to keep allergens out of your home. Some allergies are caused by mold growth, which happens in environments with high humidity. Traditional HVAC systems act as a natural dehumidifier which can help monitor your indoor humidity. However, if your system is older or you notice your home is humid, you will want to contact your trusted HVAC provider as there might be a cause for the high humidity.  

Air Purification Technology 

To further clean and sanitize your indoor air, you can add an Air Scrubber or UV light directly to the system. Both of these items act to reduce allergen particles from entering your air and they work by eliminating bacteria on site. Even hospitals use them in their systems! 

If you are looking to get cleaner, healthier air, give The Chill Brothers a call! They are skilled in many HVAC issues including air purification services. 

Clean Vents & Ductwork 

Bacteria and other allergy causing particles can accumulate on your air vents or in your ductwork. It is recommended to regularly wipe down your air vents, especially if you see any dust or debris build up. For your ductwork, it is ideal to get them cleaned every 3-5 years. If these go unnoticed, it can be a breeding ground to bacteria that can eventually cause allergy symptoms. 

Feel free to check your duct size here

Upgrade the System 

HVAC systems as a whole are made to deliver clean, comfortable air to your home. If your system is older, it could be losing efficiency and thus resulting in lower quality air. Even if you regularly change your air filters and get normal maintenance, your system could be due for an upgrade. 

There are many signs that mean it might be time to consider upgrading your system including: 

  • Sudden high energy bills
  • Loud noises
  • Foul odors
  • Poor air quality 
  • Inaccurate heating or cooling

If your system is showing signs like listed above, you might want to upgrade your HVAC system. Right now The Chill Brothers will buy back your old system for up to $2,000 when you upgrade with them. Please visit their website to learn more. 

We get it, allergies suck. But with the right HVAC care, you can breathe easier in your home! Let The Chill Brothers help you with all your HVAC needs. They are professional, skilled and licensed to handle many AC solutions. They service many areas including HVAC repair Dallas

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